企业的网络安全 与 无线通讯的隐私保护
在互联网的世界,到处都是Wifi,WannaCry Attack,恶意软件攻击和诱骗的问题,当您的业务数据或个人信息在线被盗时,您甚至都不会意识到灾难已经发生了很久。 除非您十分了解保护敏感数据和保护公司资源的角色和职责,否则世界上最好的安全技术无法为您提供任何帮助。 这项培训将涉及放置安全防火墙和策略以提高安全级别,并培训员工能够识别和避免风险。 该培训包括渗透测试,向您展示了真正的黑客攻击实况并重新评估公司的网络安全级别。让你的公司员工了解在丢失宝贵数据之前如何保护互联网上的业务。

No more spending months on waiting the designer deliver the website to you. You can create your own business website or eCommerce web system in a concise time. No one knows your business better than you, that’s the reason you can bring your site up to the table with the best contents. When you're building a website, you need both basic coding and design skills. Our training tutors with more than 15 years in helping Canadian and U.S. customer successfully build up their online business. The training also includes the significant chapters that help you understand the search engine optimization and how to create your own animations. This training covers all of these skills through the up-to-date tutorial.
The best practice is you own your web hosting and manage the online business data without the 3rd party involved. This training shows you how to establish a necessary hosting environment for your website and maintain the hosting quickly and efficiently for your organization. In this web server training course, you gain an introduction to basic configurations for a web server and learn how to enable URL rewriting and encrypting communication with HTTPS.

Google 推广策略 与 排名优化方案
Through these training series, you will learn how to maximize click-through rates from organic listings by understanding the fundamentals of Search Engine Optimization. In this training, you'll be fully trained in the anatomy of search results, strategies for increasing your click-through rates and how to effectively measure the performance of your natural listings.
Many merchants' site search tools don't fulfill the promise of delivering meaningful results. Learn how to use your website's on-site search data to better understand your customers, their needs and their intent, and how to properly leverage site search to help customers find what they're searching for.
Our training tutor teaches you the strategies on how to create personalized shopping experiences and customer interactions that drive repeat sales and brand loyalty. In this training, you will learn tips which can be used to engage today's technology-empowered customers — and turn more interactions into transactions.
成功的网店销售的10条秘诀, 提升每张订单的销售额
Our training tutor shows you the most significant tips even the most seasoned merchants can use to improve their conversion rates through evaluating and optimizing their site's entire shopping experience. You will be learning the five simple and inexpensive strategies to increase your average order value (AOV) by optimizing and personalizing the shopping experience.
In this training, an IPSOS study was conducted to directly ask consumers about their awareness of shopping cart technology, expectations for marketing when a cart is abandoned and what helps to encourage consumers to revisit and purchase. Through our new shopping cart report system, you can learn and analysis the Abandon Cart Report, Most Viewed Product Reports, Most Searched Product Reports, etc. The training tutor shows you how to read these data and be the master of your online sales.

Filming and editing your Ad videos
Video Marketing has become the most effective advertising tool for any business, producing your advertisement video is one of the greatest ways to announce your business to a wide range of audiences. This Advertisement Filmmaking Training is an advanced training that including 2 significant parts in order to produce your advertisement video: Filming your advertisement videos and Editing the videos for Video Marketing.
The advanced techniques to film the advertisement videos for your business
Video marketing is a great strategy that every small business owner should consider. Not only is this form of marketing effective for increasing sales and brand recognition, but it’s also preferred by customers rather than the plain image graphics.
Video editing to tell your business story
These professional training concentrate primarily on editing video in EDIUS Pro and Adobe Premiere Pro, but that doesn't mean they won't be helpful for other editing software. The idea behind having the lessons with both applications is to demonstrate that when you learn one editing application it's pretty easy to learn another. Most of the stuff are the same, and this training topic mainly concentrate on the sorts of things that all video editing software can do. You will focus on how to edit your video footages and arrange the timeline to tell the audience how great the product or service you are providing, not the editing software itself. So you will learn the most useful techniques of the editing software firstly, then we go deeper to learn how to emphasize the best of your business by re-arranging the video shots.